"We're changing the world with technology"
-Bill Gates

In today's society, there is a new invention put on the market every day and every day the products become more advanced. As a late Christmas gift, I received Verizon's new Droid Eris. This phone is amazing. The fabulous invention allows users to customize everything from ring tones and wallpapers, like an ordinary phone, to the gestures made with one's finger in order to access certain applications. When first purchasing this phone, I felt overwhelmed by all of the features the phone possessed, but once I got familiar with all of the aspects, I was able to use my Droid properly. Aside from being able to access YouTube and Twitter anywhere at anytime, the Droid Eris provides users with a constant update of their location and the weather forecast for this area. This feature came in handy to me when I was traveling home from West Virginia with my church. The weather was very snowy on this particular day, so having the Eris in hand helped me know if the weather conditions were safe for the rest of the youth group and myself. I believe that someday, everyone will have a phone similar to the Droid Eris because of all the tasks the phone allows one to accomplish. This invention has changed my life for the better. If I was a critic, I would give the phone five stars.